Help The Children Directly

There are more than 4000 children in orphanages in Latvia – not a big number until you consider the fact that the country’s population is slightly over 2 million.

The Founder of The Art of giving Project, Anna Litvak, is originally from Latvia. She has well-established direct contacts with the orphanages in Latvia. Through her organization you can find out directly what are the needs of the children and have a direct impact on their lives. Your may help with providing humanitarian aid such as: medicine, shoes, school supplies, computers, urgent medical needs, beds, clothes, etc., as well as orphanage improvement including repairs and renovations. Furthermore, you can sponsor these children summer camp, something that some of these children rarely get to experience. Lastly, you can help the Art of Giving Project by helping the orphanages mailing the art work from the children to the United States to be auctioned off at our fundraising events. In any case, your support goes a long way in Latvia.